Join our community in our struggle for racial and economic justice, and for a more just and compassionate North Carolina for all. Below is a brief summary of recent campaigns in which CJJ-Wake members have taken leadership. Sign up below to let us know if you would like to learn more about getting involved!
Ending Police Brutality: CJJ-Wake recognizes that must face the centuries-long racist violence from our police and justice system. That is why we engaged in personal reflection to study the #RaleighDemandsJustice demands through the lens of our Jewish values. Our chapter reflected in solidarity with Black-led organizations in Raleigh, including Raleigh Police Accountability Community Taskforce (Raleigh PACT), to end the police brutality that disproportionately affects Black Americans in our community every day. This team testified at City Council meetings, asked clergy in our community to show their support, educated the Jewish community about police violence, and more.
CJJ Wake Housing Justice Team: The Housing Justice team is dedicated to creating more equitable housing in Raleigh. The chapter supported an $80 million housing bond which passed in November 2020, and our group aims to ensure that the money is spent with a racial and economic justice lens. Our first step was educating ourselves about the bond and where we think the money should be best spent. We held conversations with those most affected by housing injustice, as well as experts and organizations with experience in this area.
Voting Rights Team: The Voting Rights team is dedicated to educating, advocating and ensuring free and fair elections in North Carolina. We are partnering with YouCanVote, a North Carolina based non-partisan voter education and advocacy organization to help encourage our neighbors to vote in this upcoming election and to ensure folks know how they can vote safely. You can join one of YouCanVote’s weekly volunteer training/education virtual meetings, take the pledge to vote, and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.
We have created a template for a hand out that each synagogue and community organization is invited to use giving the details of registering to vote, requesting an absentee ballot, filling out and mailing in that ballot, early voting and Election Day voting including important deadlines. We invite rabbis or other community leaders to write a site specific introduction explaining the Jewish value of voting. For a copy of that template click here.
Ending ICE detention: As Jews, we will not stand to see families broken apart at the hands of our government. We have worked in solidarity with our neighbors at Siembra NC, an organization of Latinx people defending the rights of Latinx folks in the state, particularly undocumented members of the community.
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