Carolina Jews for Justice: On Voting Rights
Carolina Jews for Justice is committed to supporting CJJ members to take action and ensure a historic high voter turnout in November. The stakes are high! Please join us with your time and energy and become part of the large and ever-growing tide of pro-democracy activists across the state who are determined to preserve our freedoms.
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate."
The freedom to vote underlies all other freedoms, including freedom from gun violence, freedom to live on a sustainable planet, and freedom of reproductive choice. Only by voting can we create a government that represents our interests and fights for our rights. Never has it been so important for Americans to be able to exercise their freedom to vote.
Our vote is our superpower. Unfortunately, the anti-voting laws passed in North Carolina since the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act in 2013 have made it more difficult to vote, particularly for voters of color and young voters. They have been the intended target of these laws. We have work to do!
🗳️ First Up: Learn the voting rules so that you are prepared to vote. Then help everyone you know!
- You Can Vote maintains a comprehensive, nonpartisan Voter Guide on its website, with information about voter registration, the new photo ID requirements, nonpartisan candidate information, plus the ‘how to’ of navigating Early Voting, vote by mail, and Election Day voting.
- Share this information with three friends or family members! This is called ‘relational organizing,’ and it works!
✨ Next Up: Find Opportunities to Take Action Throughout 2024. It’s never too soon to start!
You can volunteer either virtually with groups across the state or in person near where you live. To find out the latest opportunities, visit your chapter’s Voting Rights and Election News and connect with the Team Leaders. Check back frequently as opportunities will change, and they will be updated regularly.
- CJJ-West offers a number of ways for people to be engaged in its Democracy Rights work group. This link offers specific ways to take action. To connect with this chapter, contact Ron Katz, Team Leader (also available by phone: 828-768-4559)
- CJJ members in the Triangle area (Durham, Orange, and Wake counties) are already getting trained together to take action for voting rights. To find about all the volunteer opportunities, click here. To connect with this chapter, contact Marilyn Hartman, Team Leader.
- If you live in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point or the surrounding area and want to take action with CJJ, send an email to Herb Baum, Team Leader.
- If you live in Charlotte and want to take action with CJJ, send an email to Jill Blumenthal, Team Leader.
- For opportunities anywhere else in the state, check out the virtual opportunities on the CJJ-Triangle Voting Rights page here.
When you take action, please email us at [email protected] so we know how we are doing!
Are you part of a group that is ready to take action - a book club, community organization, or synagogue? Or would you like to connect CJJ to one of our pro-democracy partners? If so, contact a Voting Rights Team Member.
🤝 Resource yourself! Connect with CJJ’s Pro-Democracy Partners!
- Visit our list of trusted resources for ongoing learning and engagement.
- CJJ Voting Rights Team Member Ron Katz edits a monthly e-newsletter that offers opportunities to learn, be inspired, and take action around voting and democracy rights. Subscribing is free and open. To subscribe, complete this form.
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