When we take action for justice, we are living out our Jewish values.
As a statewide organization, we are building power across regions to fight for a world in which everyone can thrive. Click below to find out more about our issue areas, and how to take action.
Voting Rights
In 2023, voting rights and elections are more important than ever. We continue to advocate for voting rights and are starting now to prepare for the local elections coming up this fall and for 2024. We are laser-focused on moving the needle in NC towards social justice by ensuring that everyone has representation in our elected government.
Reproductive Justice
CJJ follows the local lead of Pro-Choice NC, SisterSong, Planned Parenthood South Atlantic and ACLU NC in the fight for abortion access. We turn to the National Council of Jewish Women for federal level guidance and faith-based framing. We are working with congregations and Jewish institutions across the state to raise a loud, unified Jewish voice for comprehensive healthcare for all in North Carolina including abortion access. Click above to see the list, learn more or register for our next working group meeting.
CJJ believes in the possibility of a world without antisemitism. We are working together with our communities and our allies in our state to fight antisemitism -- as well as racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, Islamophobia, and more, because we know all of our liberations are intertwined -- to build a better future for us all. Over the past few years, CJJ hosted several retreats and workshops about the relationship between antisemitism, racism, and white nationalism. To expand on this work, we launched a statewide listening tour focused on developing a better understanding of how North Carolina's Jewish community experiences, understands, and relates to antisemitism. Click here for more information, and to sign up to stay informed about the project, including when circles are taking place near you.
Immigrant Justice
One of our core guiding principles at CJJ is v’ahavta l’reacha kamocha or love your neighbor as yourself. Living into this value compels us to advocate for immigrant and refugee justice, because every person, no matter what we look like or where we come from, deserves to live with freedom, safety, and belonging in our community.
Racial Justice
Anti-racist values fuel all of CJJ's work. We are not a single-issue organization. CJJ recognizes that Jewish liberation is bound to the liberation of all others targeted by white supremacy.
Click here for more information on other emergent issue areas.
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