CJJ Town Hall: NC's Response to COVID-19

CJJ Town Hall: NC's Response to COVID-19

Over the past 8 weeks, Carolina Jews for Justice has been fighting for a just recovery from COVID-19 at the state level as a member of the NC United for Survival & Beyond Coalition. Join us on Thursday, 5/14, from 7-8:30pm as we debrief and reflect as a community about our state government's response to COVID-19  what we've won and where we still need to fight.  

We will first hear from a panel of CJJ leaders and staff members about the NC United For Survival & Beyond campaign, the 1st legislative relief package the North Carolina General Assembly passed on Saturday, 5/2, as well as what we might expect from the rest of the legislative session, followed by a Q&A. We will then open it up to hear from the community about the ways we've been impacted by this pandemic and the specific issues we'd like to see CJJ continue to focus on as we continue to push for a just & equitable governmental response. 

Please use the RSVP function at the bottom of this page to receive the Zoom link.

May 14, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Zoom (RSVP for information)
Brandon Mond ·
Jane Coons Jan West Rhoda Silver Jeannette Poe Anna Kasibhatla Martin Kaplan Jeff Land Jen Lazinsk Abe Eichner Alison Hilton Lisa Rowden Cole Parke-West Kersten Biehn Faye Berdit Miriam Thompson Laurie Chess Jess Klein Dove Kent Linda Brinkley Peretz Cohn Terry Grunwald Stephen Phillips Dov Rosenberg Max Parish Steve Shulruff Lekha Shupeck Michael Blackman Donna Kaye Laura Flicker Sandi Bouchard Noa Borkan Claudette Krizek Anne Shrago Susan Mintzes Ellie Hanna Steve Cohen Jennifer Langton Sam Todd Jonathan Gerard Stewart Ravitz Nancy Kay Diana Fenves Carol Rogoff Hallstrom Elizabeth Rosen Alan Kay Debbie Goldstein Allison Zeff Marian Abernathy

Will you come?

Showing 108 reactions

  • Doreen Stein-Seroussi
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:39:48 -0400
  • Carol Cohen
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:39:48 -0400
  • Ron Katz
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:39:48 -0400
  • Brandon Mond
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:39:47 -0400
  • Jane Coons
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Jan West
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Rhoda Silver
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Anna Kasibhatla
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Martin Kaplan
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Jeff Land
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Abe Eichner
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Lisa Rowden
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Cole Parke-West
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Kersten Biehn
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:06 -0400
  • Faye Berdit
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Miriam Thompson
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Judith Leavitt
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Marilynne Herbert
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Jess Klein
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Dove Kent
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Linda Brinkley
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Terry Grunwald
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:05 -0400
  • Stephen Phillips
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:04 -0400
  • Dov Rosenberg
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:04 -0400
  • Max Parish
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:04 -0400
  • Steve Shulruff
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:04 -0400
  • Michael Blackman
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:03 -0400
  • Donna Kaye
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:03 -0400
  • Noa Borkan
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:03 -0400
  • Claudette Krizek
    attended. 2020-05-14 19:38:03 -0400