Responding to Violence with Peace: Join us for Shabbat

Responding to Violence with Peace: Join us for Shabbat

As we try to hold both hope and fear at the end of this difficult week, we invite you to join us for a songful pre-Shabbat gathering tomorrow, Friday, Jan. 8, at 4:00 p.m. ET. We will hear some Torah, share music, and process together what has transpired these past few days before lighting candles and ushering in the promised peace of Shabbat.

January 08, 2021 at 4:00pm - 5pm
Robert Kline Tobi Lippin Roberta Wall Michael Schaul Sharon and Vic Fahrer Deborah Goldstein Beth Bader Sivanne Lieber Leslie Winner Alexandra Bloch Amnon Fried Alan Kay Patti Haskell Victoria Raggs Jennifer Fuller Albert Quiery Doris Gordon Jeff Land Charles Itzkovitz Bonnie Cooper Neshama Littman Harlan Gradin Anna Klein Marika Straw Jill Huebner Ira Grupper Linda Brinkley Nancy Kasten Kavanah Anderson Amy Ripps Kendra Watkins Carole Schaefer Linda Newman Patricia Collins Rc Collman Samantha Boltax Carol Cohen Debbie Goldstein Heather Williams Glenn Tetterton-Opheim Robert Gilbert Goldsmith Judith Leavitt Jess Klein ken tannenbaum Ali Rosenblatt

Will you come?

Showing 77 reactions

  • Robert Kline
    rsvped 2021-01-09 07:40:41 -0500
  • Rc Collman
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:44:33 -0500
  • Neshama Littman
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:44:32 -0500
  • Ali Rosenblatt
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:47 -0500
  • Judith Leavitt
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:47 -0500
  • Heather Williams
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:46 -0500
  • Debbie Goldstein
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:45 -0500
  • Carol Cohen
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:44 -0500
  • Samantha Boltax
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:44 -0500
  • Linda Newman
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:43 -0500
  • Kendra Watkins
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Amy Ripps
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Nancy Kasten
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Ira Grupper
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Marika Straw
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Anna Klein
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Harlan Gradin
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Bonnie Cooper
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Jeff Land
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Doris Gordon
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Albert Quiery
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Patti Haskell
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Amnon Fried
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:42 -0500
  • Leslie Winner
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:41 -0500
  • Sivanne Lieber
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:41 -0500
  • Beth Bader
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:40 -0500
  • Deborah Goldstein
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:40 -0500
  • Sharon and Vic Fahrer
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:40 -0500
  • Sharon and Vic Fahrer
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:40 -0500
  • Michael Schaul
    attended. 2021-01-08 16:23:39 -0500