Love Thy Neighbor Medicaid Expansion Action Hour

Love Thy Neighbor Medicaid Expansion Action Hour

Thank you for your interest in contacting members of the NC General Assembly on February 7 at 11 AM during our Love Thy Neighbor action hour on Zoom. Over the course of the hour, volunteers across the state will call our legislators and urge them to expand Medicaid! 

Click here to register!


We know it can be intimidating to call your legislators, so we want to offer you all the support and information you need to make this action as stress-free as possible. We have asked our wonderful coalition partner, Rev. Lisa Garcia-Sampson, the Executive Director of the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry, to facilitate the event. With over 100 action hours under her belt, you will be in excellent hands.

You can expect a brief overview of why North Carolina must expand Medicaid followed by instructions on how to find your legislators, a sample script, and a supportive atmosphere to make the calls.  

We are so close to getting Medicaid expansion—the single best policy solution for saving lives and honoring our collective commitment to loving our neighbors across North Carolina! With your support, we’ll push it over the finish line in 2023. 

February 07, 2023 at 11:00am - 12pm

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  • Alanna Davis
    published this page in Calendar 2023-02-01 11:03:13 -0500