Hood Huggers Tour

Hood Huggers Tour


Following the success of the last Hood Huggers Tour we are hosting another one - the driving tour (in consideration of the heat) on August 11 and 13. The 1.5 hour driving tour, in a 9 or 14 passenger van, begins at the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce with visits to significant downtown sites as well as various sites in neighborhoods throughout the city (Shiloh, Burton Street, and East End) for the African American community. Each driving tour is different and not guaranteed to visit all the listed neighborhoods. To register click here and scroll down to the description of the "Driving Tour" and click on the button that reads "Take a Hood Tour." Cost is $55.00 for general admission or $49.50 for seniors and youth ages 4 - 17.  There are a limited number of scholarships available from the Jewish organizations where needed (Please contact Linda Wolf at [email protected] for details). Teenagers are especially encouraged to attend! 





August 11, 2023 at 10:00am - 11:30am
Marlene Jacoby ·

Will you come?

Showing 2 reactions

  • Marlene Jacoby
    is hosting. 2023-07-20 20:15:29 -0400
  • Lisa Forehand
    published this page in Calendar 2023-07-20 19:59:26 -0400