Goodbye, Brandon!
Statewide Organizer Brandon Mond is “graduating” from CJJ staff to CJJ member. We will miss him dearly and are also excited to wish him well in the next step in his journey.
Please join us on Wednesday, July 7, at 8:00 p.m., to celebrate Brandon and all that he has given to CJJ over the past two-a-half years. The Zoom link will be included in the confirmation email.
Please also consider making a donation to CJJ in his honor: Your gift will help us carry on his legacy of incredible work. You can give here, or on the website after you register.
We hope you’ll be there to tell him what he’s meant to you as part of CJJ!
July 07, 2021 at 8:00pm - 9pm
Rabbi Salem Pearce

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