Faith in Action Phone Banks: 8 Nights of GOTV!

Faith in Action Phone Banks: 8 Nights of GOTV!


Help Get Out the Vote! (From your computer!) 

At this critical moment in time, the assurance of a free and fair election is under threat in North Carolina. We must not only do our part by voting this November, we also need to encourage others in our wider community to do the same.  It has never been more important to help ensure all eligible voters can safely vote and that all votes will count.

This Fall, Carolina Jews for Justice and The Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of NC are teaming up with The New North Carolina Project Foundation to host 8-consecutive weeks of non-partisan phone banking on Thursday nights from September 15th through November 3rd (6:30 - 8:30 ET / 3:30 - 5:30 PT)

Jews, UUs and other people of faith are invited to join us in calling North Carolina voters of color about the midterm elections. We help voters feel empowered and equipped to vote love and defeat hate this Fall!

No experience necessary! Join via Zoom, meet civically-engaged people across NC (and the U.S.!), get trained, and then we make calls together! This is your chance to let your voice be heard and to ensure that we are promoting free and fair elections.

Click HERE to register for all 8 Phone Banks, and attend as many as you can. 

November 03, 2022 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Ron Katz ·