Don’t Kvetch, Organize

Don’t Kvetch, Organize


How Community Organizing Can Build a More Just World

“Issues of social justice have always been important to me but knowing how to put my strong feelings into action has been a challenge, says Roni Freedman member of CBHT. “I’ve always wanted to act on issues that impact my life and the lives of my family and work toward change. “Don’t Kvetch, Organize,” has given me the tools to make a difference,” she added.


According to Roni, “the course, offered through JOIN (Jewish Organizing Institute and Network), and sponsored by Carolina Jews for Justice, examines how community organizing can be used to build a more just world and strengthen our communities.  Over the course of seven weeks (February 14 – April 3, 2022), participants delved deeply into the fundamentals of social justice and community organizing and grappled with how they relate to Jewish traditions and values. This was accomplished through homework consisting of a series of readings, weekly videos and weekly live training sessions led by course instructors. We were given an opportunity to take on a challenge or issue that we are grabbling with in our lives as a lens to apply organizing principles. Most importantly, we learned how to make a real difference on the issues we care about”.

Roni took the training to heart and has been active in making sure voting is accessible and encouraged. She has also signed up as a poll watcher. “The program taught me not only how to organize but also how to win and change attitudes. Most importantly, we learned how to step into leadership roles by finding our place in the justice struggles, finding our Jewish connection to justice and in time, becoming leaders in our community.”  

Roni was part of a cohort of four from the Asheville area- Lisa Forehand, Michelle Weitzman and Ray Russolillo. The group also benefitted from learning with Jewish organizers from Chicago, Detroit, and other parts of North Carolina. Roni adds, “Unlike when I was younger, there are now tools and mentors to guide us. I especially enjoyed learning with young activists involved in doing amazing work to create a more just world. It was motivational and inspiring. “


For more information on the “JOIN” program please contact Lisa Forehand, CJJ Statewide Community Organizer: [email protected].