D/OC Tisha B'Av 5781
Tisha B'av is traditionally a holiday of Jewish mourning. We will gather this Tisha B'av for reflection and renewal. Taking stock of the long year behind us and getting us ready for the new year ahead. It marks 40 days before the New Year begins, so in order to get us emotionally, spiritually, and physically ready for the new year, we must let go of the year that has passed and think of what we have learned, lost, gained, and overcome.
We will gather (physically!) at the West Point on the Eno, overlooking the river (at the Mill). The rain location will be at the small picnic shelter. We will gather together, giving people space to be socially distanced if they choose. We will take the opportunity to gather in person for the first time as a CJJ community to take advantage of nature and its healing powers.
Additionally, for those not comfortable attending in person, we will provide resources to participate virtually!

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