CJJ-W Shabbat Potluck Gathering
Join us for a Shabbat potluck on Friday, December 15 at 6 pm and hear briefly from Ben Williamson who will share some updates on "Tourism Taxes for Affordable Housing." Ben and many others have been volunteering and organizing around increasing community voices and projects into our tourism tax funds. He will be visiting to update us on where the campaign stands, how it has evolved, and what opportunities for action may exist in the new year. If you'd like to learn more, read Asheville Watchdog’s article, “Local leaders: Reduce Buncombe’s tourism marketing budget.”
We'll be at Tzedek Social Justice Offices (come around to the back door) - 37 Montford Avenue. Bring a dish to share (Please label your food with ingredients). Feel free to invite your friends. All are welcome (Jewish and non-Jewish)!
37 Montford Ave
Suite 201
(come around to the back of the building for entry)
Asheville, NC 28801
United States
Google map and directions
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