Beyond the Count: Perspectives and Lived Experiences of Jews of Color
CJJ members have been invited to this community event by the Jews of Color Initiative & Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action. This event is not hosted by CJJ.
Dayenu is teaming up with the Jews of Color Initiative on February 1 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT for a timely event about the complex fabric of JoC identities, lived experiences, and perspectives. Arya Marvazy, Senior Director of Programs at the Jews of Color Initiative, will present on the Initiative's critical research that presents the largest dataset of Jews of color in United States history. He will be joined by Chicago EcoJews co-leader Maetal Gerson and Rav Tiferet Berenbaum of Temple Beth Zion for a panel discussion. JoCI Board Director and Dayenu Advisory Board member Ginna Green will moderate and Dayenu Young People Organizer Sumner Lewis will MC. Register for this special presentation at this link.
February 01, 2023 at 8:00pm - 9pm
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